11 Days of Sacred Ritual

Yoga&Meditation- For stillness & Peace
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.

Maya Angelou

During the last month of the year it's a wonderful time to reflect on the year that has been and reconnect to your Sankalpha - your highest promise to yourself. 

Are you aligned with it? 

As we are coming close to wintersoltice Sat. dec. 21st  we are asked to retreat, withdraw and be in stillness.
It is said that how you spend the days leading up to solstice and the days after will impact your energy several months ahead. 

In 11 days of Sacred Rituals you will  connect to your divinity within. 

Through daily rituals you are taking radical responsibility of your health and well-being.
In ritual you give thanks and honor Mother Earth through the 5 elements.
Earth, Water, Fire,Wind, Ether

 Join this 11 day yoga course to practice devotion and to meditate. 
Meditation brings you peace  and harmony within.

  "Remember that this is not something  we do just once or twice

Interrupting our destructive habits and awakening our hearts is
the work of a lifetime"

Pema Chödron

14-24 Dec.

   11 Days Sacred Ritual 

 Live Yoga
 at 8.00-8.30 am CET
via zoom

 Each day we will practice the same mantra meditation
 for 11 min. 

The chosen mantra is to open our heart connect to your truth and intuition.
Hari Nam Sat Nam Hari Nam Hari
Hari Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Hari

The first part of this mantra aligns the powerful creative flow of life (Hari Nam) with your personal Identity and destiny (Sat Nam). The second line aligns your intuition with your intention so the unseen hand of spirit supports your fulfillment.

What's the benefit of 11 min?

the pituitary gland, glandular system and the nerves start to learn and change. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems begin to accommodate the increased energy.

Yoga Warm Ups
Before meditation I will
guide your trough gentle warmups and breathing exercises.

 Daily Rituals: 

Each day I will share a ritual that supports the conscious woman. Health-and beauty tips to Ayurvedic remedies to maintain balance.

 Unable to join live?
You will recieve recordings from all live sessions and have access  for 2 months in yoga portal. 

Johanna Cederstam

Johanna HariSant is an international Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Shakti School Facilitator and Vegan Chef.

Hari Sants spiritual journey begun after being hit with a bus riding her bike to work in NYC 2011.Through the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga, she healed much of her physical pain with her daily yoga practice, steady intention and deep prayer. She began to rediscover her injured body and live a conscious lifestyle. Through the teachings of Kundalini Yoga she healed her nervous system and learned practices that supports her injured spine.

Johanna HariSant has studied and keeps studying different lineages such as Hatha- Ayurveda -and Kundalini Yoga, crystal healing and Reiki. She is a supportive trainer for KRI Level 1 teacher Trainings in Kundalini Yoga as well as part of the team of Shaktischool- a womens circle facilitator training.

“ My mission on earth is to heal myself.

To rise from darkness to light

My intention is to share the teachings that has helped me with others so I can uplife and be of service. As a healer I am to create a sacred space for healing to happen.

HariSant is holding women's retreats in Europe and USA. She teaches kundalini yoga online and is currently creating a women’s retreat center in at the High Coast in Sweden. Beside yoga teacher she is a vegan chef and reiki master.
Read more about HariSant :

Energy Exchange to join: 

11 Days of Sacred Ritual


  • 30 min Live Yoga with Mantra Meditation

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