Empowered Woman

40 Day Yoga Journey

40 Day Journey  

 The daily practice is the heart of any transformation.
It's the time of the day where you get to tune into your essence and be you. 
 Physically, energetically, mentally and emotionally you get to work on yourself.
During your practice you will peel off layers of old conditioning and you will raise your vibration.
Your awareness will strengthen and you will come in contact with your intuition. 
When we become in tune with our intuition we are in contact with the primal power of being a woman.
When you commit to a 40 day practice and do the same exercises over and over you allow yourself to go deeper within.
 It’s a great way to re-establish your relationship with your own biotrythm and finding inner balance.
I start every day with my daily yoga practice. This is non-negationable. It is as natural to me as brushing my teeth every morning or taking a shower. I get to work on my neurosis before the day starts. I sit in stillness, i connect to my breath and i tune into my body.  

You can choose to do your daily yoga any hour but i recommend to do it in the morning. It's a wonderful way to start your day with a sacred practice and sit in silence.  The pranic energy is higher in the morning especially between 
4 am-7 am.
The 40 daily practice Journey consists of Breathing Exercises Yoga&  Meditation. It varies from 30- 60 min long.  

So how does it work: 

Hop on free 30 min 1:1 call with me
 and were you tell me your intention and desires.
The intention is a way to focus on a desired outcome.  
Depending on your intention, I will choose a Yoga Set for you.  I will record the class in a private FaceBook Group.
henever you want to transform in life your commitment is needed.
Regardless of whaIf you want to call in your life, whether it be abundance, more opportunities, vitality and health, there is an energy exchange that needs happen.
I like to call it  my contribution- or what I offer. I offer my energy to receive better health. I offer my time and devoted practice to call in more prosperity.  What you offer is your time, dedication and your commitment. In return you will feel uplifted and empowered. You will be in tune with your own needs.
Your will strengthen your physical body and minimize pain. 
You will be able to handle stress in a calmer way
You will raise your vibration and experience a higher level of energy.
You will start to trust yourself and develop a more loving relationship to your self.
  When you show up for yourself you show up for your loved ones in a different way. When you uplift yourself you uplift everyone around you!     


Johanna Cederstam

Johanna HariSant is an international Kundalini Yoga teacher, Reiki Master, Shakti School Facilitator, and Vegan Chef, deeply dedicated to helping others heal, transform, and rise into their fullest potential.

HariSant’s spiritual journey began in 2011 after a life-changing accident when she was struck by a bus while riding her bike to work in New York City. This traumatic event marked a profound turning point in her life. Through the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga, she found healing for her physical pain and began to reclaim her body. Through a committed daily practice, focused intention, and deep prayer, she restored balance to her nervous system, alleviated spinal injuries, and embraced a conscious, empowered lifestyle.

Her path led her to study various spiritual traditions and healing modalities, including Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda, Kundalini Yoga, Crystal Healing, and Reiki. HariSant is a supportive trainer for KRI Level 1 Teacher Trainings in Kundalini Yoga and is also part of the facilitator team for Shakti School, where she trains women to lead transformative women’s circles.

HariSant’s mission on Earth is to heal herself and rise from darkness to light. She believes that her own healing journey allows her to be a more effective guide for others. Her intention is to share the teachings that have transformed her life, creating sacred spaces for healing and empowerment.

In 2020, HariSant created The Yoga Heart, a sanctuary for healing and connection. Located in the peaceful beauty of Sweden, The Yoga Heart has already become a gathering place for women seeking rest, rejuvenation, and transformation. The heart of the center is its Yoga Barn, a lovingly renovated barn that has been transformed into a sacred space for yoga, meditation, and community. This retreat center is a living embodiment of HariSant’s vision—offering a place for women to reconnect with themselves, nature, and each other.

In addition to her work at The Yoga Heart, HariSant holds women’s retreats in both Europe and the USA, offers online Kundalini Yoga classes, and is in the process of expanding her offerings through the creation of a women’s retreat centerat the High Coast in Sweden, where women can gather for deep healing and growth.

HariSant is also a passionate vegan chef, using food as medicine to support vitality, clarity, and spiritual well-being. Through her combined offerings, she creates holistic experiences that nourish the body, mind, and soul.

Her deep commitment to healing, service, and sisterhood inspires those around her to step into their own power and healing journey.

To learn more, visit: www.harisantharmony.com

Kirsi Li Whalström
Life Coach and Founder of Blissum & Blissful Business YoUniversity   

Johannas teachings and yoga has ignited my body and soul. I am forever grateful to her for bringing new energy and awareness into my life. I am happier, stonger and more alive now than ever. 

Choose from 3 levels of commitment.

New Beginning
1295 Kr.

 Welcome video .
      Your individual 30 min program for 40 days.
  11 min meditation.  

Healthy Lifestyle
1695 Kr.
    Welcome video
      Your Individual 60 min program for 40 days,  
11 min Meditation
   7 min Chant

Conscious Lifestyle
2795 Kr.

    Welcome video
   Your Individual 60 min program for 40 days
 11 min Meditation
   11 min Chant
    30 min distance Healing Reiki sessions.
 1 Hour 1:1

New Beginning

1295 SEK

  • 40 day Yoga Journey with: 45 min Yoga Set 11 min meditation

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Healthy Living

1695 SEK

  • 40 day Yoga Journey with: 60 min Yoga Practice 11 min Meditation 7 min Chant

Buy Now

Conscious Living

2795 SEK

  • 40 Day Yoga Journey with: 60 min Yoga Set 11 min Meditaion 11 min Chant 30 min Distance Reiki Session 60 min-1:1 Zoom Call

Buy Now

Choose from 3 levels of commitment.

New Beginning
1295 Kr.

 Welcome video .
      Your individual 30 min program for 40 days.
  11 min meditation.  

Healthy Lifestyle
1695 Kr.
    Welcome video
      Your Individual 60 min program for 40 days,  
11 min Meditation
   7 min Chant

Conscious Lifestyle
2795 Kr.

    Welcome video
   Your Individual 60 min program for 40 days
 11 min Meditation
   11 min Chant
    30 min distance Healing Reiki sessions.
 1 Hour 1:1

New Beginning

1295 SEK

  • 40 day Yoga Journey with: 45 min Yoga Set 11 min meditation

Buy Now

Healthy Living

1695 SEK

  • 40 day Yoga Journey with: 60 min Yoga Practice 11 min Meditation 7 min Chant

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Conscious Living

2795 SEK

  • 40 Day Yoga Journey with: 60 min Yoga Set 11 min Meditaion 11 min Chant 30 min Distance Reiki Session 60 min-1:1 Zoom Call

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